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Career Planning

Steps to Planning YOUR Future

Things to Remember – High Five +1

  • Change is Constant – ONE career – I think NOT!
  • Learning is ongoing – high school is NOT the end of learning
  • Focus on the journey – not just the destination
  • Follow your heart – it’s YOUR life and YOUR choices
  • Access your allies – life is a team sport; rely on your team
  • Know yourself – your likes & dislikes guide you along

What should you do to help figure out your future direction?

  • Take responsibility for the process
  • Do some aptitude & personality tests – Step 1: Self Evaluation
  • List the careers/sectors based on your tests – Step 2: Generate Options
  • Talk and look into some of these careers – Step 3: Research Options
  • Are you in Grade 12 yet – Step 4: Making Decisions
  • You are the boss – Step 5: Action Planning

It is up to students to access the resources and help provided in the Career Centre – take responsibility for your future and get the help you need to plan your direction in life.

Make an appointment in the Career Centre to get help with YOUR Career Planning.

Useful Links

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