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Mission, Vision, Values


“Westpark Middle School is a community where all people are respectful, responsible, and enjoy lifelong learning.”

Belief Statements

For Students

We believe that:

  • students wellbeing is the basis of all decisions
  • all students  need to experience success·
  • all students have a right to be educated·      
  • each student should be welcomed, complimented and acknowledged each day·       
  • students need to show respect for themselves and others and work together for the benefit of the school and community· 
  • every student is unique and needs to be taught with individual differences in mind·    
  • students should learn to have respect, acceptance and tolerance of others and their ideas·    
  • middle school children need to feel respected, cared for and confident in themselves·  
  • students should feel free to express themselves without fear of failure·      
  • every student must take responsibility for his or her own decisions about learning
  • students must become involved in academic, complementary and extra curricular activities to promote lifelong learning

For Staff

We believe that:

  • teamwork is very important
  • staff need to continue to develop professionally
  • staff are role models
  • staff need to foster creative energy in students
  • staff need to facilitate communications with parents for the development and well being of the students at Westpark
  • staff should teach and model manners
  • staff need to promote high standards of academics
  • staff need to promote tolerance and celebrate differences
  • staff need to be proactive and not reactive
  • staff need to provide a forum for the young inquiring mind
  • staff need to celebrate adolescence
  • all learning is enhanced in a positive, supportive and safe environment
  • all students will be challenged with appropriate academic skills and higher level thinking

For Parents

We believe that:

  • a partnership between parents and school is imperative to the success of the student
  • school is a place where parents and teachers assume a shared responsibility for the education of the child
  • parental involvement is critical for a students success
  • parents need to take part in the students education by checking agendas, reading newsletters, ensuring homework is done, attending interviews and providing positive feedback to students


Westpark Middle School is committed to continue to grow as a professional learning community. We will focus on important goals that will affect student learning. We will use our collaborative culture in order for staff to work together to pursue common goals. Our professional learning community will

  • focus on learning
  • focus on collaborative culture
  • focus on results
  • provide timely, relevant information on student programs
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